Helpline 07839 206857
About Guernsey Cancer Support
About Guernsey Cancer Support
Guernsey Cancer Support is a charity organisation that was established in 2009. Our purpose is to support anyone affected by cancer whether as a patient, carer or family member.

How we help

Our monthly support group allow us to assist people in a safe and confidential environment. These are held every month at Les Cotils:

Mornings - First Thursday from 10:30am - 12:00am

Evenings - Third Thursday from 7:30pm - 9:00pm

We also have a dedicated helpline, meaning people can contact us anytime for one-to-one conversations or to find out more about what support is available in Guernsey for people with cancer.
Guernsey Cancer Support - How we help
Guernsey Cancer Support - Volunteers

Run by volunteers

Our team is made up of people who have either had cancer themselves or who have supported a family member or friend with cancer. We are a group of people with shared experiences, helping others through their journey, offering emotional and practical support.

When the group formed in 2009 it was agreed that our focus would be offering support rather than fund raising. This philosophy remains and all of our team volunteer their time. We are always extremely grateful for any kind donations to help us to continue to offer support to anyone touched by cancer.

Meet the team

Gill Syvret-Berboda - Chairperson
I had just completed four months of chemotherapy following my first diagnosis of stage 4 bladder cancer when I heard about the group on the radio. A friend and I decided to go along. It was a group of lovely like-minded people who had experienced different journeys; some were amid treatment, others like me had just completed theirs and there were also family members. Since then I joined the committee and now 15 years later, I am the Chair of Guernsey Cancer Support. I work with our amazing team, a friendly group of volunteers from all walks of life who have either survived a cancer diagnosis or have cared and supported loved ones with cancer.
Jenny Mourant - Treasurer
When my mum was diagnosed with cancer in 2014, we really appreciated the support we received from Guernsey Cancer Support, both as a patient and a relative. Although now recovered, my mum still attends the support meetings from time to time as we’ve made some good friends and it’s always good to talk. I have been Treasurer of Guernsey Cancer Support for the last two years, looking after the income and expenditure.
Joni-mei de Kooker - Social Media Person
I used to go along to the GCS Christmas party every year, as some of my family were on the committee. I enjoyed speaking with the other members so much that I was kindly offered to sit on the committee too! Following a vast family history of cancer, I understand how imperative support groups can be for those experiencing a cancer diagnosis. It’s so lovely to see people coming together and sharing their experiences. The support I have seen between the members is so heart-warming and I am proud to be part of such a kind and caring group. I have since been ‘promoted’ to run all of our social media to raise more awareness of this amazing group!
Pat Child
In 2008 I was diagnosed with cancer of the womb. Having had a hysterectomy, brachytherapy and chemotherapy, I was left bald battered and bewildered and didn’t know where to turn. At the GCS support group meetings I found it refreshing to be able to talk openly and honestly about my fears and feelings and to gain information that helped me cope with my situation. Since then I have been on the Committee for several years, organising meetings, answering the phone and emails so that people can contact us.
Gavin Ryde
My wife and I first came to a GCS meeting whilst I was undergoing chemotherapy following surgery for stomach cancer. Meeting people who had a range of similar experiences was practically useful and also made us feel that we were not alone. Later I was invited to become a member of the committee which I was glad to do and I value being able to help and support others as I had been at such a stressful time.
Maria Martel
When my cousin was diagnosed with cancer, I started going along to GCS to support her. GCS is a space where people can share their experiences, thoughts and feelings with others going through a similar experience. I soon joined the GCS Committee and haven’t looked back! Being part of this support group is a privilege for me and to be able to impart some of my nursing knowledge is a bonus. I have seen how cancer affects many of my patients and I always wanted to do something that could help and support them and their families.
Chris Le Tissier
I joined Guernsey Cancer Support in 2016, a year after returning from Southampton Hospital due to undergoing surgery and radiotherapy/ chemotherapy there. My wife and I were hesitant to attend the GCS support meeting but were pleasantly surprised to receive such a warm, friendly welcome. We were then able to share our experiences and concerns with others, only to find that we weren’t as alone as we’d previously thought. We have since made many friends within the group, and are now happy to talk with others following a similar journey - so much so, that we’ve joined the Committee!
Ali Le Tissier
I came along to the Guernsey Cancer Support to support my husband after his cancer treatment. It is a very friendly and supportive charity where you can come and talk about your journey and know that someone understands. You make lovely friends out of a bad situation. I have been on the committee for a year now and really enjoy meeting new people and sharing my own experiences to help others.
Laura Le Flocq
I came along to the Guernsey Cancer Support Group [which was suggested to me by a friend] after I was diagnosed with cancer and still going through my treatment. I was apprehensive when I went to that first meeting but everyone was so very kind and caring and very supportive to me. Nearly 3 years down the line I am still attending the meetings. Now I have joined the committee and I also try to do my very best in helping and supporting others going through the same thing. It is a wonderful and caring group and we also have lots of laughs along the way.
Contact us
T: 07839 206857
Guernsey registered charity number: CH460
Association of Guernsey Charities number: 398
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© Guernsey Cancer Support